The Whole World Is Watching - Occupy Wall Street
Hello everyone!
It's been a couple of weeks since I've posted, but as many of you know this is a very busy time of year. Yesterday I just got back from a 5 day trip to New York City. Having never been to New York before the city was absolutely amazing, however, we planned our trip right at the point that the OWS movement decided to move into Times Square. This all happened on a bit of a whim, my friends and I were walking around the city and decided to head over to times square durring the daylight to check it out. When we arrived at the square there was a large number of people, which at first glimpse didn't mean anything, after all it's New York. As we wandered further into the crowd we started to notice cardboard signs, police barricades, and an excessive number of mounted police officers. At the point we realized what was actually going on we were stuck in the crowd and, quite frankly, amazed that we literally walked into the initial Occupy Times Square portion of OWS. As we stood there the crowd began yelling, "The whole world is watching!" You may have heard this on the news, well that chant started from the people standing directly behind us. The picture attached is of those people who were standing on the statue in Times Square. I tried to google this same photograph but thus far I've found that no news source has been able to capture this photograph from the head on perspective that was literally right in front of me. This is, to my knowledge, the best photograph you will see of, "The whole world is watching!" Enjoy!